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M74HC85-1 Datasheet with Chat AI
Part No.M74HC85-1
Size326 Kbytes
Pages10 pages
Datasheet Summary with AI

The M74HC85 is a high-speed CMOS 4-bit magnitude comparator with low power dissipation and high noise immunity.
It has a wide operating voltage range of 2V to 6V and is pin and function compatible with the 74 series 85.
The comparator compares two 4-bit words and provides a high voltage level on one of the A>B out, A=B out, and AIt has symmetrical output impedance and balanced propagation delays.
The device is equipped with protection circuits against static discharge and transient excess voltage.
The absolute maximum ratings and recommended operating conditions are provided, along with the DC and AC electrical characteristics.
The package options and mechanical data for the DIP, SOP, and TSSOP are also included.
The document is provided by STMicroelectronics and includes a disclaimer about the accuracy and reliability of the information.

Datasheet Summary with AI

The M74HC85 is a high-speed CMOS 4-bit magnitude comparator with low power dissipation and high noise immunity.
It has a wide operating voltage range of 2V to 6V and is pin and function compatible with the 74 series 85.
The comparator compares two 4-bit words and provides a high voltage level on one of the A>B out, A=B out, and AIt has symmetrical output impedance and balanced propagation delays.
The device is equipped with protection circuits against static discharge and transient excess voltage.
The absolute maximum ratings and recommended operating conditions are provided, along with the DC and AC electrical characteristics.
The package options and mechanical data for the DIP, SOP, and TSSOP are also included.
The document is provided by STMicroelectronics and includes a disclaimer about the accuracy and reliability of the information.

Part No.M74HC85-1
Size326 Kbytes
Pages10 pages
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