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STM32F4DIS-EXT Datasheet with Chat AI
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    Hello, Please ask a question about STM32F4DIS-EXT Datasheet

  • Example questions: 1. What are the features of the base board in the STM32F4 Discovery kit expansion boards?
    2. What is the driving IC and display format of the 3"5 LCD board?
    3. What is the signal system and resolution of the camera board in the STM32F4 Discovery kit expansion boards?

  • Part No.STM32F4DIS-EXT
    Size186 Kbytes
    Pages3 pages
    DescriptionSTM32F4 Discovery kit expansion boards
    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document provides information about the STM32F4 Discovery kit expansion boards, including a base board, a 3.5 LCD board, a camera board, and a Wi-Fi board.
    The base board provides Ethernet connectivity, a micro SD Card slot, and extension connectors for the LCD and camera boards.
    The 3.5 LCD board features a 320x240 display with 262K colors and a resistive touch screen.
    The camera board has a 1.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor and supports still photos.
    The Wi-Fi board supports IEEE 802.11b/g/n and features built-in TCP/IP stack, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, and web server.
    The document also includes ordering information and a disclaimer from STMicroelectronics.

    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document provides information about the STM32F4 Discovery kit expansion boards, including a base board, a 3.5 LCD board, a camera board, and a Wi-Fi board.
    The base board provides Ethernet connectivity, a micro SD Card slot, and extension connectors for the LCD and camera boards.
    The 3.5 LCD board features a 320x240 display with 262K colors and a resistive touch screen.
    The camera board has a 1.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor and supports still photos.
    The Wi-Fi board supports IEEE 802.11b/g/n and features built-in TCP/IP stack, HTTP, DHCP, DNS, and web server.
    The document also includes ordering information and a disclaimer from STMicroelectronics.

    Part No.STM32F4DIS-EXT
    Size186 Kbytes
    Pages3 pages
    DescriptionSTM32F4 Discovery kit expansion boards
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