In the field of electronic components, hardware is a term that primarily refers to the physical parts of an electronic product or device. These are the actual components of computers and electronic devices, as opposed to software. Hardware includes physical parts such as circuits, processors, memory, boards, cables, switches, sensors, displays, etc.
The hardware in electronic components performs functions such as processing and storing data for the software to operate and process. For a computer, hardware consists of a central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage, and input/output devices. Additionally, electronic component hardware is applied to a variety of devices and products, including communication devices, network devices, mobile devices, home appliances, and automotive electronics.
Hardware works together with software to help users accomplish tasks through a computer or electronic device. This hardware continues to evolve along with technological advancements, and a variety of innovative technologies and designs continue to be developed to create faster, more efficient, and more effective electronic devices and products.
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