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RWR80W1000BMS73 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
RWR80W1000BMS73 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
3 / 4 page RWR Military www.vishay.com Vishay Dale Revision: 15-Nov-17 3 Document Number: 30203 For technical questions, contact: ww2aresistors@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Element: copper-nickel alloy or nickel-chrome alloy, depending on resistance value Core: ceramic, beryllium oxide (1), steatite or alumina, depending on power requirement Coating: special high temperature silicone Terminal and Winding: the terminal and the winding are identified by a letter symbol in the military type designation. Military symbol: S = solderable, inductively wound W = weldable, inductively wound N = solderable, non-inductively wound Z = weldable, non-inductively wound Terminals: solderable - Tinned Copperweld® Weldable - bare nickel per MIL-STD-1276, Type N-1 End Caps: stainless steel Part Marking: source code, JAN, military PIN, date/lot code Note (1) RWR82S and RWR82N: Core consists of beryllium oxide ceramic DERATING Note (1) For resistance values above 100 , test limit is ± 1.0 % AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C 25 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 - 65 - 50 0 50 150 250 PERFORMANCE TEST CONDITIONS OF TEST TEST LIMITS Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202, method 107 ± (0.2 % + 0.005 ) R Short Time Overload 5x rated power (RWR71, RWR80, RWR81, RWR89, RWR82), 10 x rated power (RWR74, RWR78, RWR84) for 5 s ± (0.2 % + 0.005 ) R Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 500 VRMS (RWR80, RWR81, RWR82), 1000 VRMS (RWR71, RWR74, RWR78, RWR84, RWR89), 1 min duration ± (0.1 % + 0.005 ) R Low Temperature Storage -55 °C for 24 h ± (0.1 % + 0.005 ) R High Temperature Exposure 250 °C for 2000 h ± (1.0 % + 0.005 ) R (1) Moisture Resistance MIL-STD-202, method 106 ± (0.2 % + 0.005 ) R Shock, Specified Pulse MIL-STD-202, method 213, condition I ± (0.1 % + 0.005 ) R Vibration, High Frequency MIL-STD-202, method 204, condition D ± (0.1 % + 0.005 ) R Load Life 2000 h at rated power, +25 °C, 1.5 h “ON”, 0.5 h “OFF” ± (0.5 % + 0.005 ) R Extended Life 10 000 h at rated power, +25 °C, 1.5 h “ON”, 0.5 h “OFF” ± (1.0 % + 0.005 ) R Terminal Strength MIL-STD-202, method 211, condition A and C 5 pound (RWR80, RWR81, RWR82), 10 pound (RWR71, RWR74, RWR78, RWR84, RWR89) ± (0.1 % + 0.005 ) R |
Similar Part No. - RWR80W1000BMS73 |
Similar Description - RWR80W1000BMS73 |
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