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AT89C2051-24SU Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - ATMEL Corporation

Part # AT89C2051-24SU
Description  8-bit Microcontroller with 2K Bytes Flash
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Manufacturer  ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.atmel.com
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AT89C2051-24SU Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - ATMEL Corporation

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Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.
Oscillator Characteristics
The XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can
be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 5-1. Either a quartz crystal or
ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2
should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 5-2. There are no require-
ments on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking
circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum voltage high and low
time specifications must be observed.
Figure 5-1.
Oscillator Connections
C1, C2 = 30 pF
± 10 pF for Crystals
= 40 pF
± 10 pF for Ceramic Resonators
Figure 5-2.
External Clock Drive Configuration

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