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A26K1V Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Nihon Kaiheiki Industry Co. Ltd. |
A26K1V Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Nihon Kaiheiki Industry Co. Ltd. |
7 / 7 page NKK Switches • email: sales@nkkswitches.com • Phone (480) 991-0942 • Fax (480) 998-1435 • www.nkkswitches.com 03-07 Process Sealed Subminiature Rockers Series A Vertical PC Double Pole A22K1V-DA TYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONS Right Angle PC Double Pole Vertical PC Single Pole A22K1H-DA A12K1V-DA V Terminals V1 Terminals (6.0) .236 (5.08) .200 (0.3) Typ .012 (6.35) .250 (0.8) .031 (5.2) .205 (3.1) .122 (0.5) .020 (2.54) .100 (5.08) .200 (11.9) .469 (11.5) .452 (0.7) .028 (4.5) .177 P/N This Side (10.0) .394 3 2 1 6 5 4 (0.6) Dia Typ .024 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.4) .016 (9.8) .386 (10.2) .402 1 2 3 CL (5.84) .230 (1.0) .039 (0.6) Dia Typ .024 (0.4) .016 (11.5) .452 (2.54) .100 (11.4) .448 (14.73) .580 (14.46) .569 26 ° (8.8) .346 (7.0) .276 (0.8) .031 (0.5) .020 (3.1) .122 (1.0) .039 (2.54) Typ .100 (5.3) .208 (2.54) .100 P/N This Side (0.3) Typ .012 (0.7) Typ .028 (2.54) .100 (6.35) .250 ROCKER MOUNTING PRECAUTION (5.08) .200 6 4 5 2 3 1 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (2.54) .100 3 1 2 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (1.0) .039 CL (2.54) .100 3 1 2 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (1.0) .039 CL (5.08) .200 6 4 5 2 3 1 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (5.08) .200 (5.08) .200 (6.6) .260 PCB (1.3) .051 Interruption by end of PCB (1.3) .051 Interruption by end of PCB 26 ° PCB (9.5) .374 (6.35) .250 (5.08) .200 (0.3) Typ .012 (14.73) .580 (11.4) .448 26 ° (8.8) .346 (7.0) .276 (0.8) .031 (0.5) .020 (3.1) .122 (1.0) .039 (2.54) Typ .100 (5.3) .208 (11.5) .452 (14.46) .569 (0.7) .028 (5.08) .200 P/N This Side (10.2) .402 (0.4) Typ .016 (0.6) Dia Typ .024 (5.08) .200 1 2 3 4 5 6 End View of Rocker Right Angle Mounting PC Single Pole Only Side View of Rocker Vertical Mounting PC Single Pole and Double Pole Rocker switches with vertical and right angle terminals must be mounted so that extension of the PC board beyond the top of the switch housing does not interrupt rocker movement, in turn causing incomplete switching operation. The MAXIMUM limit of the PC board extension is .051” (1.3mm), as illustrated below. This precaution does not apply to the double pole switch with right angle terminals due to the extra width of the switch allowing the rocker to clear the PC board. |
Similar Part No. - A26K1V |
Similar Description - A26K1V |
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