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AS5140H Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - ams AG |
AS5140H Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - ams AG |
30 / 37 page www.austriamicrosystems.com/AS5140H Revision 1.4 30 - 37 AS5140H Data Sheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n In absolute mode (serial interface and PWM output), 610 rpm is the maximum speed, where 1024 readings per revolution can be obtained. In incremental mode, the maximum error caused by the sampling rate of the ADCs is 0/+96µs. It has a peak of 1LSB = 0.35º at 610 rpm. At higher speeds, this error is reduced again due to interpolation and the output delay remains at 192µs as the DSP requires two sampling periods (2x96µs) to synthesize and redistribute any missing pulses. Incremental Mode. Incremental encoders are usually required to produce no missing pulses up to several thousand rpm. Therefore, the AS5140H has a built-in interpolator, which ensures that there are no missing pulses at the incremental outputs for rotational speeds of up to 10.000 rpm, even at the highest resolution of 10 bits (512 pulses per revolution). 7.12.4 Propagation Delays The propagation delay is the delay between the time that a sample is taken until it is converted and available as angular data. This delay is 48µs for the absolute interface and 192µs for the incremental interface. Using the SSI interface for absolute data transmission, an additional delay must be considered, caused by the asynchronous sampling (t=0…1/fs) and the time it takes the external control unit to read and process the data. Angular Error Caused by Propagation Delay. A rotating magnet will therefore cause an angular error caused by the output delay. This error increases linearly with speed: esampling = rpm * 6 * prop.delay (EQ 8) Where: esampling = angular error [º] rpm = rotating speed [rpm] prop.delay = propagation delay [seconds] Note: Since the propagation delay is known, it can be automatically compensated by the control unit that is processing the data from the AS5140H, thus reducing the angular error caused by speed. 7.12.5 Internal Timing Tolerance The AS5140H does not require an external ceramic resonator or quartz. All internal clock timings for the AS5140H are generated by an on-chip RC oscillator. This oscillator is factory trimmed to ±5% accuracy at room temperature (±10% over full temperature range). This tolerance influences the ADC sampling rate and the pulse width of the PWM output: Absolute output; SSI interface: A new angular value is updated every 100µs (typ.) Incremental outputs: The incremental outputs are updated every 100µs (typ.) PWM output: A new angular value is updated every 100µs (typ.). The PWM pulse timings Ton and Toff also have the same tolerance as the internal oscillator. If only the PWM pulse width Ton is used to measure the angle, the resulting value also has this timing tolerance. However, this tolerance can be cancelled by measuring both Ton and Toff and calculating the angle from the duty cycle (see Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output on page 16): Position = (EQ 9) Table 21. Speed Performance Absolute Output Mode Incremental Output Mode 610rpm = 1024 samples / turn No missing pulses @ 10 bit resolution (512ppr): max. speed = 10.000 rpm 122rpm = 512 samples / turn 2441rpm = 256 samples / turn etc. t on 1025 ⋅ t on t off + () ------------------------- 1 – |
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