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AS5140H Datasheet(PDF) 31 Page - ams AG

Part # AS5140H
Description  10-Bit 360 Programmable Magnetic Rotary Encoder For High Ambient Temperatures
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Manufacturer  AMSCO [ams AG]
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Data Sheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n
7.12.6 Temperature
Magnetic Temperature Coefficient. One of the major benefits of the AS5140H, in comparison to linear Hall sensors is that it is much less
sensitive to temperature. While linear Hall sensors require a compensation of the magnet’s temperature coefficient, the AS5140H automatically
compensates for the varying magnetic field strength over temperature. The magnet’s temperature drift does not need to be considered, as the
AS5140H operates with magnetic field strengths from ±45…±75mT.
A NdFeB magnet has a field strength of 75mT @ -40ºC and a temperature coefficient of -0.12% per Kelvin. The temperature change is from -40º
to +150º = 190K. The magnetic field change is: 190 x -0.12% = -22.8%, which corresponds to 75mT at -40ºC and 57.9mT at 150ºC.
In the above described scenario, the AS5140H can automatically compensate for the change in temperature related field strength. No user
adjustment is required.
Accuracy Over Temperature. The influence of temperature in the absolute accuracy is very low. While the accuracy is ≤ ±0.5º at room
temperature, it may increase to
≤±0.9º due to increasing noise at high temperatures.
Timing Tolerance Over Temperature. The internal RC oscillator is factory trimmed to ±5%. Over temperature, this tolerance may increase
to ±10%. Generally, the timing tolerance has no influence in the accuracy or resolution of the system, as it is used mainly for internal clock
generation. The only concern to the user is the width of the PWM output pulse, which relates directly to the timing tolerance of the internal
oscillator. This influence however can be cancelled by measuring the complete PWM duty cycle (see Internal Timing Tolerance on page 30).

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