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ADIS16488 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Analog Devices |
ADIS16488 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Analog Devices |
12 / 36 page ADIS16488 Data Sheet Rev. B | Page 12 of 36 Name R/W Flash PAGE_ID Address Default Register Description Format XG_BIAS_LOW R/W Yes 0x02 0x10 0x0000 Calibration, offset, gyroscope, x-axis, low word Table 67 XG_BIAS_HIGH R/W Yes 0x02 0x12 0x0000 Calibration, offset, gyroscope, x-axis, high word Table 64 YG_BIAS_LOW R/W Yes 0x02 0x14 0x0000 Calibration, offset, gyroscope, y-axis, low word Table 68 YG_BIAS_HIGH R/W Yes 0x02 0x16 0x0000 Calibration, offset, gyroscope, y-axis, high word Table 65 ZG_BIAS_LOW R/W Yes 0x02 0x18 0x0000 Calibration, offset, gyroscope, z-axis, low word Table 69 ZG_BIAS_HIGH R/W Yes 0x02 0x1A 0x0000 Calibration, offset, gyroscope, z-axis, high word Table 66 XA_BIAS_LOW R/W Yes 0x02 0x1C 0x0000 Calibration, offset, accelerometer, x-axis, low word Table 78 XA_BIAS_HIGH R/W Yes 0x02 0x1E 0x0000 Calibration, offset, accelerometer, x-axis, high word Table 75 YA_BIAS_LOW R/W Yes 0x02 0x20 0x0000 Calibration, offset, accelerometer, y-axis, low word Table 79 YA_BIAS_HIGH R/W Yes 0x02 0x22 0x0000 Calibration, offset, accelerometer, y-axis, high word Table 76 ZA_BIAS_LOW R/W Yes 0x02 0x24 0x0000 Calibration, offset, accelerometer, z-axis, low word Table 80 ZA_BIAS_HIGH R/W Yes 0x02 0x26 0x0000 Calibration, offset, accelerometer, z-axis, high word Table 77 HARD_IRON_X R/W Yes 0x02 0x28 0x0000 Calibration, hard iron, magnetometer, x-axis Table 84 HARD_IRON_Y R/W Yes 0x02 0x2A 0x0000 Calibration, hard iron, magnetometer, y-axis Table 85 HARD_IRON_Z R/W Yes 0x02 0x2C 0x0000 Calibration, hard iron, magnetometer, z-axis Table 86 SOFT_IRON_S11 R/W Yes 0x02 0x2E 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S11 Table 88 SOFT_IRON_S12 R/W Yes 0x02 0x30 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S12 Table 89 SOFT_IRON_S13 R/W Yes 0x02 0x32 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S13 Table 90 SOFT_IRON_S21 R/W Yes 0x02 0x34 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S21 Table 91 SOFT_IRON_S22 R/W Yes 0x02 0x36 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S22 Table 92 SOFT_IRON_S23 R/W Yes 0x02 0x38 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S23 Table 93 SOFT_IRON_S31 R/W Yes 0x02 0x3A 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S31 Table 94 SOFT_IRON_S32 R/W Yes 0x02 0x3C 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S32 Table 95 SOFT_IRON_S33 R/W Yes 0x02 0x3E 0x0000 Calibration, soft iron, magnetometer, S33 Table 96 BR_BIAS_LOW R/W Yes 0x02 0x40 0x0000 Calibration, offset, barometer, low word Table 99 BR_BIAS_HIGH R/W Yes 0x02 0x42 0x0000 Calibration, offset, barometer, high word Table 98 Reserved N/A N/A 0x02 0x44 to 0x72 N/A Reserved N/A USER_SCR_1 R/W Yes 0x02 0x74 0x0000 User Scratch Register 1 Table 120 USER_SCR_2 R/W Yes 0x02 0x76 0x0000 User Scratch Register 2 Table 121 USER_SCR_3 R/W Yes 0x02 0x78 0x0000 User Scratch Register 3 Table 122 USER_SCR_4 R/W Yes 0x02 0x7A 0x0000 User Scratch Register 4 Table 123 FLSHCNT_LOW R Yes 0x02 0x7C N/A Diagnostic, flash memory count, low word Table 115 FLSHCNT_HIGH R Yes 0x02 0x7E N/A Diagnostic, flash memory count, high word Table 116 PAGE_ID R/W No 0x03 0x00 0x0000 Page identifier N/A GLOB_CMD W No 0x03 0x02 N/A Control, global commands Table 114 Reserved N/A N/A 0x03 0x04 N/A Reserved N/A FNCTIO_CTRL R/W Yes 0x03 0x06 0x000D Control, I/O pins, functional definitions Table 117 GPIO_CTRL R/W Yes 0x03 0x08 0x00X01 Control, I/O pins, general purpose Table 118 CONFIG R/W Yes 0x03 0x0A 0x00C0 Control, clock, and miscellaneous correction Table 74 DEC_RATE R/W Yes 0x03 0x0C 0x0000 Control, output sample rate decimation Table 55 NULL_CNFG R/W Yes 0x03 0x0E 0x070A Control, automatic bias correction configuration Table 70 SLP_CNT R/W No 0x03 0x10 N/A Control, power-down/sleep mode Table 119 Reserved N/A N/A 0x03 0x12 to 0x14 N/A Reserved N/A FILTR_BNK_0 R/W Yes 0x03 0x16 0x0000 Filter selection Table 57 FILTR_BNK_1 R/W Yes 0x03 0x18 0x0000 Filter selection Table 58 Reserved N/A N/A 0x03 0x1A to 0x1E N/A Reserved N/A ALM_CNFG_0 R/W Yes 0x03 0x20 0x0000 Alarm configuration Table 110 ALM_CNFG_1 R/W Yes 0x03 0x22 0x0000 Alarm configuration Table 111 ALM_CNFG_2 R/W Yes 0x03 0x24 0x0000 Alarm configuration Table 112 Reserved N/A N/A 0x03 0x26 N/A Reserved N/A XG_ALM_MAGN R/W Yes 0x03 0x28 0x0000 Alarm, x-axis gyroscope threshold setting Table 100 YG_ALM_MAGN R/W Yes 0x03 0x2A 0x0000 Alarm, y-axis gyroscope threshold setting Table 101 ZG_ALM_MAGN R/W Yes 0x03 0x2C 0x0000 Alarm, z-axis gyroscope threshold setting Table 102 |
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Similar Description - ADIS16488 |
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