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ADIS16488 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Analog Devices |
ADIS16488 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Analog Devices |
14 / 36 page ADIS16488 Data Sheet Rev. B | Page 14 of 36 OUTPUT DATA REGISTERS After the ADIS16488 completes its start-up process, the PAGE_ID register contains 0x0000, which sets Page 0 as the active page for SPI access. Page 0 contains the output data, real-time clock, status, and product identification registers. INERTIAL SENSOR DATA FORMAT The gyroscope, accelerometer, delta angle, delta velocity, and barometer output data registers use a 32-bit, twos complement format. Each output uses two registers to support this resolution. Figure 18 provides an example of how each register contributes to each inertial measurement. In this case, X_GYRO_OUT is the most significant word (upper 16 bits), and X_GYRO_LOW is the least significant word (lower 16 bits). In many cases, using the most significant word registers alone provide sufficient resolution for preserving key performance metrics. X-AXIS GYROSCOPE DATA 0 15 15 0 X_GYRO_OUT X_GYRO_LOW Figure 18. Gyroscope Output Format Example, DEC_RATE > 0 The arrows in Figure 19 describe the direction of the motion, which produces a positive output response in each sensor’s output register. The accelerometers respond to both dynamic and static forces associated with acceleration, including gravity. When lying perfectly flat, as shown in Figure 19, the z-axis accelerometer output is 1 g, and the x and y accelerometers are 0 g. ROTATION RATE (GYROSCOPE) The registers that use the x_GYRO_OUT format are the primary registers for the gyroscope measurements (see Table 10, Table 11, and Table 12). When processing data from these registers, use a 16-bit, twos complement data format. Table 13 provides x_GYRO_OUT digital coding examples. Table 10. X_GYRO_OUT (Page 0, Base Address = 0x12) Bits Description [15:0] X-axis gyroscope data; twos complement, ±450°/sec range, 0°/sec = 0x0000, 1 LSB = 0.02°/sec Table 11. Y_GYRO_OUT (Page 0, Base Address = 0x16) Bits Description [15:0] Y-axis gyroscope data; twos complement, ±450°/sec range, 0°/sec = 0x0000, 1 LSB = 0.02°/sec Table 12. Z_GYRO_OUT (Page 0, Base Address = 0x1A) Bits Description [15:0] Z-axis gyroscope data; twos complement, ±450°/sec range, 0°/sec = 0x0000, 1 LSB = 0.02°/sec Table 13. x_GYRO_OUT Data Format Examples Rotation Rate Decimal Hex Binary +450°/sec +22,500 0x57E4 0101 0111 1110 0100 +0.04/sec +2 0x0002 0000 0000 0000 0010 +0.02°/sec +1 0x0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0°/sec 0 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 −0.02°/sec −1 0xFFFF 1111 1111 1111 1111 −0.04°/sec −2 0xFFFE 1111 1111 1111 1110 −450°/sec −22,500 0xA81C 1010 1000 0001 1100 The registers that use the x_GYRO_LOW naming format provide additional resolution for the gyroscope measurements (see Table 14, Table 15, and Table 16). The MSB has a weight of 0.01°/sec, and each subsequent bit has ½ the weight of the previous one. Table 14. X_GYRO_LOW (Page 0, Base Address = 0x10) Bits Description [15:0] X-axis gyroscope data; additional resolution bits Table 15. Y_GYRO_LOW (Page 0, Base Address = 0x14) Bits Description [15:0] Y-axis gyroscope data; additional resolution bits Table 16. Z_GYRO_LOW (Page 0, Base Address = 0x18) Bits Description [15:0] Z-axis gyroscope data; additional resolution bits PIN 1 PIN 23 aY mY gY Y-AXIS gX X-AXIS aX mX Z-AXIS aZ mZ gZ Figure 19. Inertial Sensor Direction Reference Diagram |
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