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STM32F405XX Datasheet(PDF) 19 Page - STMicroelectronics |
STM32F405XX Datasheet(HTML) 19 Page - STMicroelectronics |
19 / 185 page DocID022152 Rev 4 19/185 STM32F405xx, STM32F407xx Description 2.2.1 ARM® Cortex™-M4F core with embedded Flash and SRAM The ARM Cortex-M4F processor is the latest generation of ARM processors for embedded systems. It was developed to provide a low-cost platform that meets the needs of MCU implementation, with a reduced pin count and low-power consumption, while delivering outstanding computational performance and an advanced response to interrupts. The ARM Cortex-M4F 32-bit RISC processor features exceptional code-efficiency, delivering the high-performance expected from an ARM core in the memory size usually associated with 8- and 16-bit devices. The processor supports a set of DSP instructions which allow efficient signal processing and complex algorithm execution. Its single precision FPU (floating point unit) speeds up software development by using metalanguage development tools, while avoiding saturation. The STM32F405xx and STM32F407xx family is compatible with all ARM tools and software. Figure 5 shows the general block diagram of the STM32F40x family. Note: Cortex-M4F is binary compatible with Cortex-M3. 2.2.2 Adaptive real-time memory accelerator (ART Accelerator™) The ART Accelerator™ is a memory accelerator which is optimized for STM32 industry- standard ARM® Cortex™-M4F processors. It balances the inherent performance advantage of the ARM Cortex-M4F over Flash memory technologies, which normally requires the processor to wait for the Flash memory at higher frequencies. To release the processor full 210 DMIPS performance at this frequency, the accelerator implements an instruction prefetch queue and branch cache, which increases program execution speed from the 128-bit Flash memory. Based on CoreMark benchmark, the performance achieved thanks to the ART accelerator is equivalent to 0 wait state program execution from Flash memory at a CPU frequency up to 168 MHz. 2.2.3 Memory protection unit The memory protection unit (MPU) is used to manage the CPU accesses to memory to prevent one task to accidentally corrupt the memory or resources used by any other active task. This memory area is organized into up to 8 protected areas that can in turn be divided up into 8 subareas. The protection area sizes are between 32 bytes and the whole 4 gigabytes of addressable memory. The MPU is especially helpful for applications where some critical or certified code has to be protected against the misbehavior of other tasks. It is usually managed by an RTOS (real- time operating system). If a program accesses a memory location that is prohibited by the MPU, the RTOS can detect it and take action. In an RTOS environment, the kernel can dynamically update the MPU area setting, based on the process to be executed. The MPU is optional and can be bypassed for applications that do not need it. 2.2.4 Embedded Flash memory The STM32F40x devices embed a Flash memory of 512 Kbytes or 1 Mbytes available for storing programs and data. |
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