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VN7007AHTR Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - STMicroelectronics |
VN7007AHTR Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - STMicroelectronics |
10 / 37 page Electrical specification VN7007AH Table 8: Logic inputs 7 V < VCC < 28 V; -40 °C < Tj < 150 °C Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit INPUT characteristics VIL Input low level voltage 0.9 V IIL Low level input current VIN = 0.9 V 1 µA VIH Input high level voltage 2.1 V IIH High level input current VIN = 2.1 V 10 µA VI(hyst) Input hysteresis voltage 0.2 V VICL Input clamp voltage IIN = 1 mA 5.3 7.5 V IIN = -1 mA -0.7 SEn characteristics (7 V < VCC < 18 V) VSEnL Input low level voltage 0.9 V ISEnL Low level input current VIN = 0.9 V 1 µA VSEnH Input high level voltage 2.1 V ISEnH High level input current VIN = 2.1 V 10 µA VSEn(hyst) Input hysteresis voltage 0.2 V VSEnCL Input clamp voltage IIN = 1 mA 5.3 7.5 V IIN = -1 mA -0.7 Table 9: Protection 7 V < VCC < 18 V; -40 °C < Tj < 150 °C Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit ILIMH(1) DC short circuit current VCC = 13 V 70 100 140 A 4 V < VCC < 18 V (2) 140 ILIML Short circuit current during thermal cycling VCC = 13 V; TR < Tj < TTSD 33 TTSD Shutdown temperature 150 175 200 °C TR Reset temperature(2) TRS + 1 TRS + 7 TRS Thermal reset of fault diagnostic indication VSEn = 5 V 135 THYST Thermal hysteresis (TTSD - TR)(2) 7 ΔTJ_SD Dynamic temperature Tj = -40 °C; VCC = 13 V 60 K VDEMAG Turn-off output voltage clamp IOUT = 2 A; L = 6 mH; Tj = -40 °C VCC - 38 V IOUT = 2 A; L = 6 mH; Tj = 25 °C to 150 °C VCC - 41 VCC - 46 VCC - 52 V VON Output voltage drop limitation IOUT = 1.2 A 20 mV Notes: (1)Parameter guaranteed by an indirect test sequence. (2)Parameter guaranteed by design and characterization; not subject to production test. 10/37 DocID027957 Rev 2 |
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