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MCM69R738A Datasheet (PDF) - Motorola, Inc

MCM69R738A Datasheet PDF - Motorola, Inc
Part # MCM69R738A
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File Size   213.45 Kbytes
Page   20 Pages
Manufacturer  MOTOROLA [Motorola, Inc]
Direct Link  http://www.freescale.com
Logo MOTOROLA - Motorola, Inc
Description 4M Late Write 2.5 V I/O

MCM69R738A Datasheet (PDF)

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MCM69R738A Datasheet PDF - Motorola, Inc

Part # MCM69R738A
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File Size   213.45 Kbytes
Page   20 Pages
Manufacturer  MOTOROLA [Motorola, Inc]
Direct Link  http://www.freescale.com
Logo MOTOROLA - Motorola, Inc
Description 4M Late Write 2.5 V I/O

MCM69R738A Datasheet (HTML) - Motorola, Inc

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MCM69R738A Product details

The MCM69R738A/820A is a 4 megabit synchronous late write fast static RAM designed to provide high performance in secondary cache and ATM switch, Telecom, and other high speed memory applications. The MCM69R820A organized as 256K words by 18 bits, and the MCM69R738A organized as 128K words by 36 bits wide are fabricated in Motorola’s high performance silicon gate BiCMOS technology.

• Byte Write Control
• Single 3.3 V +10%, – 5% Operation
• 2.5 V I/O (VDDQ)
• Register to Register Synchronous Operation
• Asynchronous Output Enable
• Boundary Scan (JTAG) IEEE 1149.1 Compatible
• Differential Clock Inputs
• Optional x 18 or x 36 organization
• MCM69R738A/820A–5 = 5 ns
    MCM69R738A/820A–6 = 6 ns
    MCM69R738A/820A–7 = 7 ns
    MCM69R738A/820A–8 = 8 ns
• Sleep Mode Operation (ZZ Pin)
• 119 Bump, 50 mil (1.27 mm) Pitch, 14 mm x 22 mm Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) Package

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About Motorola, Inc

Motorola, Inc. was an American multinational telecommunications company that was founded in 1928. It was headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois and was one of the largest providers of mobile phones, telecommunication equipment, and semiconductors. Throughout its history, Motorola was known for its innovation in the field of telecommunications, including the development of the world's first commercially available cellular telephone, the DynaTAC, and the world's first two-way pager, the Pageboy.

In 2011, Motorola split into two separate companies: Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions. Motorola Mobility was later acquired by Google in 2012, and is now a subsidiary of Lenovo. Motorola Solutions focuses on public safety and commercial and industrial communication solutions. The company provides a wide range of products including two-way radios, mobile computing devices, and network infrastructure equipment.

Motorola was one of the pioneers of the mobile phone industry and has a rich history of innovation and technological advancements. The company's legacy continues through its subsidiaries and its technology and products continue to be used around the world.

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